About NJ’s Factor Book - NJ Factor Book

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NJ’s Factor Book is a manifestation of the relatively new and emerging world of factor investing, which is a confluence of technological advancements (data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence) and established investment principles. NJ’s Factor Book takes you through the myriad facets of factor investing, ranging from the evolution of factor investing and the different types of investment factors to the several opportunities and challenges for such new-age investment philosophies in the dynamic and emerging Indian capital markets.

 The book answers some of the most obvious questions pertinent to factor investing and the performance of such strategies in the Indian and developed markets. One may expect to find informative and well-researched answers to questions such as “What are Factors?”, “What is the Value Factor?”, “What is the Quality Factor?”, “Has the Momentum Factor worked in India and elsewhere?”, “What are multi-factor funds?”, “Where is factor investing headed?” among others. NJ’s Factor Book also highlights the efforts expended by NJ Asset Management in this domain of factor investing over the past decade and how it employs this philosophy in its rule-based active investment products.

Two versions of NJ’s Factor Book have been published. The first is a condensed coffee table version explaining the most significant topics in factor investing, accompanied by charts, images and illustrations.

The second is a highly detailed version of the topics covered in the summarised book, making it very comprehensive, granular, and technical in nature. You can go through the detailed version of NJ’s Factor Book by going through the various sections on this website. Each section of the website is a detailed explanation of all the topics covered in the summarised PDF version. If you wish to read further on a particular topic, you can scan the QR code provided at the bottom of the first page of each chapter in the PDF version, which will take you to that specific topic on this site.

NJ Asset Management is proud to launch “NJ’s Factor Book”, which is a reflection of the commitment, strength, and perseverance of NJ Asset Management in this new and exciting space called FACTOR INVESTING!

So sit back, relax, and learn about factor investing through this book while you sip your favourite coffee!